Detail List The Charge Detail List provides the ability to view all charges entered before and after billing, by patient or employee, within a specified visit time frame.
General Options Tab: Report Sequence: Select the order for the report
Selection Type: Choose to print All Records or only Specific Patients,
Employees, Units, Primary Insurance, Charge,Primary Insurance Class, or Team
Report Type: Choose Standard or Export. Choosing Export will allow the user to create an XLS file Report
Detail: Choose Detail, Summary, Totals (includes totals for each
selected sequence), or Grand Totals (includes only totals for selected
Top Sequence). Margin Report: When checked, Optional Data is grayed out. Using this option shows pay amounts vs. bill amounts and their margin % and $. Select this option when running for payroll information. Bill
Rates: Option becomes enabled when Margin Report is selected. Will show
insurance charge rates for the patient's primary insurance instead of
showing charge $ amount from the charge file Optional Data: Can choose either Pay-Rate, Start-End Time, or Charge Gross
information to print on the report. Greyed out if "Margin Report" is selected. Page Breaks: Select if you wish page breaks by chosen Sequence selection. Single Line: This option is enabled depending on which Report Sequence is selected. When chosen, the visit information will appear on a single line instead of on multiple lines. Leave unchecked to show the EVV Status (when run with Detail selected). Create Date: If selected, the report will show charges created within the date range specified in Date Selection.Subset Selection: Orphans: Choosing this will print charges that have been "orphaned" (not linked to an admit record due to a change in admit/discharge dates after charge was originally entered). Orphan charges are indicated on the Charge Detail List Report with an * and can be corrected by running the Orpans routine in the Charge Entry>Preferences tab. Overlaps:
When selected and report is run in Patient Sequence, charges for
patients that overlap with another employee will print. If selected and
run in Employee sequence charges whose visit time overlap with multiple
patients will print. Duplicates Only: Run to check for patients with duplicate visits (same charge code, employee and visit date). With PayRate: Only charges with payroll pay rates attached will print when this option is selected. No Payrate: Only charges with no payroll pay rate attached will print when this option is selected. Also shows charges where Pay Rate is present but the employee doesn't have that Pay Rate assigned to them. Top Sequence: Can choose to break the report first by Insurance or Unit before sorting by the selected "Report Sequence" Billed: Select Not-Billed (charges not posted on a Bill Audit), Billed, or All charges Non-Visit: Choose All, Visits only, or Non-visits only. Determined by how the charge modality is defined in System Settings>Modality tab's "Is-Visit" option. Choose “Non-Visits” to view NDC/HCPCS info for pharmacy med charges (do NOT choose Gross/Net for Optional Data).
Payroll: Print charges that are Un-posted, Posted, Period (posted to payroll periods within dates selected) or All Authorized Visits: Select Authorized, Un-Authorized or All Visits. Scheduling: Choose Scheduled (not verified), Verified, or All. This option is only enabled for Scheduling or MyUnity Essentials users.
Date Selection: Enter date range for charges (this refers to the charge date unless the Create Date option is selected). Batch: Enter a specific Batch # or leave blank for All Batches
Specific Includes Tab: More Options Tab:
Include Contract Employees: Choose All to include visits by contract and direct employees, Only to include only visits by contract employees, or None to include only visits by direct employees. Note: Employees are marked as Contract in Employee Maintenance. Include
Held Charges: Choose to show All charges (default option) or
select only those charges marked as Held in Charge Entry (Only) or only
those charges not marked as Held (None). Include Billable Charges: Choose to show All Charges (default option), Billable Charges Only, or Non Billable Charges Only. Margin Report Costing: Choose to use employee's pay rates to determine cost margin when "Margin Report" option is selected or use the cost entered in System Settings for that visit type. Only Show Visits Created by Me: Choose to print charges entered by the current logged in user running the report. Show Productivity Points: Choose to print the value entered in the "Other-Info" field of File Maintenance > PayRate Type setup. Only works with some report sequences and detail options. (i.e. Employee/Date sequence with Detail report option chosen). A Pay Rate must be present for the visit/charge. Only Emps w/Visit Time > (hours entered): Choose to track employees eligible for overtime. Include PPS Initial/Final Charges: Check to include the PPS RAP and Final Claim charges on the report. Update Price Override w/Pay-Amt: Used for a TX Medicaid DADS program that requires the billed amount on the claim to be equal to the employee paid amount. Day Gap Between Visits: Select and enter the number of days between visits to find patients with visit gaps greater than the specified number of days. Enter '7' and select specific nursing charge codes in the 'Specific Includes' tab to monitor Hospice Quality Indicator 2. Only Deleted Revenue Charges: Charges that have generated revenue but were subsequently deleleted are excluded from the report but can be viewed by checking this box (defaults to unchecked). Charge Age Selection: Users can choose to either run the report only for visits older than the specified number of days, or to run the report to evaluate charges in danger of missing the timely filing deadline (the days for Timely Filing are established in the Insurance record's Insurance tab). Run the report choosing Primary-Ins as Top Sequence for the Timely Filing days for that payer to appear on report. Sample Report: Legend: b = Billed (posted on a Billing Audit) v = Verified (for Scheduling users) h = Held (marked as Held in Charge > Enter/Maintain) * = Orphan (charge is linked to the wrong admission period for the patient or falls outside of an admit/discharge date range). Run the Orphans routine in Charge > Enter/Maintain on the Preferences tab or correct the charge date if incorrect.