To All Home Health Clients:
Medicare Notice of Admission (NOA)
RTP 32114
records are being Returned to Provider (RTP) with Reason Code
32114 and reprocessed with a WW999 indicating the Billing Provider
Zip code is missing or is not a 9-digit code. The Reason Code Inquiry
states that "this is a temporary edit to suspend all claims
with statement thru date greater than 12/31/2021. No Provider
Action is necessary."
NGS has posted a production alert
advising clients to add the required zip code in DDE and resubmit for
processing. A fix for this issue is not expected until 2/2/2022.
communicated guidance via their listserv and advised if an NOA is
late due to this issue to indicate the following in the Remarks field of
the final claim: Jan 2022 Issue RE: 32114. (See the NOA Creation FAQ for instructions on submitting a Late NOA Exception Request).
To avoid this edit, agencies may choose to submit NOAs via DDE instead.
DDEIf an NOA is entered via DDE instead of via Electronic Claims Submission, users should:
- Enter the NOA date in the Patient>Admit>Add'l-Data>NOA-Date field.
- For
patients admitted prior to 2022, the Artificial Admit Date (the start
date of the first 2022 billing period) must be entered in the
Benefit-Start Date field (check the Is-Hospice flag to enable this
field and un-check after saving the changed date).
Additional Reminders
- NOAs
must be ACCEPTED by your Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) within 5-days
of the start of the 30-day period.
- If
your agency has not updated your NOA Option Set #146 and started
submitting your NOAs, you must do so immediately or risk a payment
penalty. Refer to the NOA Creation FAQ or contact Netsmart Client Support for assistance updating your Option Set if you haven't done so already.
- Cross-over admissions (admissions
prior to 2022 with a period start in 2022) must have the NOA accepted within 5-days
of the beginning of the January period of care.
- Do NOT submit NOAs early or they will be rejected by Medicare (do not enter a future date as the To-Date when creating the NOA).
- If
your Medicare NOAs submitted on 1/3/2021 were rejected for Claim Status
Code 510 "Future Date" or 663 "Entity's Group Name," recreate the NOA
and resubmit. A system correction was issued for these rejections on
Monday. NOAs created after that should no longer reject. (Non-hosted clients who were rejected should contact Netsmart Client Support to ensure updates were applied and rejected NOAs are successfully resubmitted.
Veterans AffairsVeterans Affairs (VA) recently posted they will not require a RAP or NOA for home health care claims
submitted for 2022 and will not implement any late penalties
since neither a RAP nor NOA is
required. VA will pay claims based on the HIPPS code submitted on
the claim and will look to providers to bill
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