Attention All Hospice Billers: We are in the process of converting all agencies to our
new Hospice Billing Method (HBM). This simplified setup only requires 4 Levels
of Care: Routine, Continuous, Respite and Inpatient and will use the Hospice
CBSA rates stored in the County file and our Hospice Wage Index file to
calculate the hospice claim amounts. Due to the 2015 PPS Transitional changes,
clients who bill for both home health and hospice and have transitional CBSA
Codes will need to switch to HBM ASAP. To confirm your agency is not configured for HBM yet, go to
File>File Maintenance>Entity>Type = Insurance. Select the Medicare
Hospice insurance and go to the Insurance tab. If the “Bill Method” has
“Hospice” selected, your agency is already setup for HBM and you can disregard this advisory. If the Bill Method is blank or set to “Normal” your agency is
NOT configured for HBM yet and you will need to schedule this conversion with
HBS Support. To schedule the transition to HBM please email Support at or call
(732)941-2201 (2 for Support).