Attention Hospice Billers!

Several Hospice clients have reported that the Hospice Nursing Initial Comprehensive Admission Assessment was not always properly saving the M1023 Other Diagnosis (Primary diagnosis is not affected). This was corrected with the MyUnity Clinical 20.15 update. If your agency wishes to re-send corrected records, see steps below.

Steps that need to be performed are as follows:

In Billing:

Go to Clinical > OASIS/POC Diagnosis Report
Select Report Sequence > Alphabetic
Report Type > All
Selection Type > All
Assess Date Selection > 7/1/20 to Today
Add'l Options > Un-check everything
Matching Type > OASIS to POC Diagnosis

Press Preview

Under Order Diagnosis look for any Patients with only one diagnosis. This may indicate a problem and should be investigated and if incorrect the Initial HIS should be re-exported to Billing to correct the diagnoses.


In Clinical:

To re-export the correct diagnoses:


Go into the Initial HIS
Locate diagnoses on page 1 and press the 'Clear' button to remove the diagnoses (This is not a delete)
Press the 'update diagnosis' link
Select all diagnoses
Press insert to form
Press 'Save'
Go into the Patient Chart and remove the 'DE' mark for the Initial HIS then re-export the form.
The Assessment MAY be declined in the integration log, but the associated diagnoses export should be successful.
Our research has indicated only a small subset of Patient records seems to be affected by this issue. Claims will still be paid correctly but will not reflect accurate diagnoses if sent with only the primary diagnosis.

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