All HBS Clients:
Ver includes changes to address the Medicare Home Health Value
Based Purchasing adjustments as well as several other payment-related
- The Unit file
has a new Misc-Rates tab that allows users to enter Cost Adjustment
rates (previously stored in Other Info tab and used in the PPS Margin
Report) and the new Value Based Purchasing adjustment rates. For
example, if an agency has a negative 3% VBP this would be entered as
the rate 0.97000. An agency with a positive 3% VBP would enter the rate
as 1.03000. Clients who are currently manually entering VBP Payment
adjustments via Payment Entry can continue to follow that process or
can switch to this set-up.
- The
Billing Audit will include the Unit VBP Adjustment, if entered, in RAP
and Final amount calculation and the VBP amount will be displayed on
the Billing Audit and the PPS Revenue Report.
- The
Electronic Payments
menu has a new option to allow the user to post zero dollar payments.
Users can also now choose to only enter one Payment type for all
payments, or can still specify a specific payment type for negative
payments by selecting the new Payments (-) 'Use' option. When posting
electronic payments, the Bill Type (example, 322 for Rap payment) will
now be stored in the payment record.
- The Payment Report has been altered to allow the display and selection of the Bill Type.
- Payment Entry will now allow the user to add/alter the DCN for manually posted payments that are over 24 hours old.
to Help>Release Notes to review a complete list of current and prior program
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