To All Hospice Clients:

Hospice LOC Report
To ensure that proper edit checks are run for Hospice claims and to streamline the Hospice billing process, all hospice billing should now be run from the Billing  > Hospice LOC Report menu (Hospice shortcut button).  As a result, hospice patients will no longer pull to the Billing > Billing Pre-Audit report. To run separate audits for Room and Board claims only, the financial class for that payer should be selected from the Financial Class drop-down in the Hospice LOC Report (to switch the drop-down selection from Unit to Financial Class, select Unit as the Selection Type).

Hospice NOC
The Hospice Notice of Change of Hospice Providers (Type of Bill 81C/82C) can now be generated from the Electronic Claims menu. Since this is new functionality, older Patient Profiles with a Transfer reason selected as the Hospice SOC Reason must be re-saved in Clinical to ensure successful creation of these notice types if needed. Newly admitted patients will have this information in Billing without needing to re-save the Clinical Profile. Refer to the Hospice Notice FAQ for further details.

Revoke Days
A new Revoke Days field has been added to the Billing Module Patient > Admit, Add'l Data tab to track the number of benefit days used. This field only needs to be updated for patients who revoked and re-elected their hospice benefit with 60 days to calculate Late Routine days.

To All Medicare Clients:
PDGM Revenue Reporting
In this release we have made a change to the PPS Revenue Report regarding how revenue is earned when claims have been unbilled from one payer and re-posted to a different payer in a different month. The days are now shown as earned in the original earned month, instead of in the month they were reposted to the correct payer.

Continuation of Sequestration Suspension
The CARES Act temporarily suspended the 2% sequestration payment adjustment currently applied to all Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) claims through December 31, 2020. The suspension was previously extended through March 31, 2021 and has now been extended through December 31, 2021. The Sequestration Rates FAQ has step-by-step instructions on updating rates for Medicare Hospice and Medicare/Medicare Advantage PDGM payers.

Cost Report Filing Extension

Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, CMS delayed the cost report filing deadlines for all provider types with a fiscal year ending March 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. As a reminder, the following provides the extended due dates. Refer to the Medicare Cost Report CMS-1728-20 FAQ for instructions on filling out the current year form.

Period Ending

Initial Due Date

Extended Due Date
















Medicare Secondary Payer Home Health Billing
The MSP FAQ has been updated with a new process for 2021 that allows the user to override the PDGM HIPPS on the claim by utilizing the new HippsRugOvr Type in the Patient Insurance > Bill Data tab.

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