OASIS/HIS Export The OASIS/HIS Export provides the ability to create an export file of OASIS assessments or HIS records ready for submission to the State system. Go to Clinical > OASIS/HIS Export.
Creating the Export File: From and To Dates: Enter a date range encompassing the assessment dates. It is recommended to use an early From date to capture late or changed assessments for submission. File Location: Assign a unique file name for each file that is created with a .ZIP extension. Test Submission: Should only be selected if sending test files to ASAP with your assigned Testing ID or if creating a file for benchmarking software. Checking this box causes the assessment to not get marked as exported. Export Unlocked Only: Check if creating OASIS export files to submit to a benchmarking vendor only or creating a test file. This will pick up assessments that are in an Unlocked status. Log Transactions: If selected, OASIS postings will be written to the System Log. HIS Data: Check the option if creating an export file for HIS records. For OASIS files leave the box unchecked. Unique Agency State ID: Select your agency's ID number (as setup in File > File Maintenance > Entity > OASIS Agency Type on the Other-Info tab). If this number is changed after an assessment has been entered, that assessment must be edited in Clinical and re-posted to Billing to write the correct agency ID to the assessment record). Preview or Print: Review the OASIS or HIS Export report to confirm which records will be included in the export file. Post: Once previewed or printed, the Post button will be enabled on the CMS Data Export tab. The export file is not created until successfully Posted. The user can then upload the file. Note: if entering a specific patient on the Specific Includes tab, manually clear the selection when done so all patients/records are available for export next time. Submitting the Export File: OASIS - Starting 1/1/2020 all OASIS assessments must be submitted to iQIES: https://iqies.cms.gov/users/home . HIS - HIS records are submitted to the QIES ASAP system until no sooner than CY 2021, when all QIES functions will be transitioned to the new iQIES system. Un-posting an Export File: An export file should not be Un-Posted unless the entire file needs to be re-created (for example, an issue occurred during original file creation or the entire file rejected). Un-locking of individual patient OASIS or HIS records is done from the Patient file. Click on the Unpost Files tab. Highlight the export file to be unposted and press the Unpost button. To unpost a HIS file, the HIS Data box must be checked on the CMS Data Export tab first. To select files older than 90 days, click the +Older button. After clicking Unpost, enter the Master Password, and if the criteria for unposting a file has been met as described below, press "No" in the confirmation window. Entering CMS Acceptance Status Manually: Click on the Unpost Files tab. Highlight the export file in the top grid that has the OASIS file to be marked as Accepted or Rejected. Check the box for Manually Edit CMS Status. Edit Status for Selected Record: if this radio button is selected, click on the assessment in the grid to mark the status for only the selected assessment (used if one assessment status is different from the other assessments in the file). Edit Status for ALL Records: if this radio button is selected, all assessments in the selected file will be updated with the specified Status. After entering the Master Password, the 'Status' and 'Status Date' fields will be enabled. Select Accepted or Rejected and the date of acceptance or rejection. The Status Date for Accepted records is used on reports to determine if timely submission was met. Press Save after making changes.