Patient List

The Patient List provides the ability to print basic demographic information on patients based on active, admitted, discharged, or referral status within a specified time frame.  The 'More Options' tab allows for user control over level of detail on report output.


  General Options:

Report Sequence: Select whether the report will run by patient in Alphabetic or Numeric sequence. Can also select to run the List by Insurance (primary), Employee, Unit, Team, Priority,Referral, or Institute. When Institute sequence is selected the report will only include patients that have an assigned Institute. If the patient had multiple stays at different institutes, the other institute information may be shown under the most recent institute, but Totals will be accurate.

Selection Type: Select if the report is to be generated for all records, or for a specific Insurance/Unit/Team/Employee/Program/Institute/Patient.

Date Selection: Select the Date range. To run a report for the current patient census, Enter Today's Date as the From and To Dates.

Exclude Discharges: Select if you don't want discharged patients on this list.

Page Breaks: Select if you wish the report to print separate pages.

Export Report: Select to create an xls file that can be viewed in Excel.

Report Type: Select All Patients or select one of the following:

  • Active - includes patients that were active (not discharged) for any of the dates within the selected date range
  • Admitted -  patients admitterd within the selected date range
  • Discharged - patients discharged within the selected date range
  • Referral - patients without an Admit Date (rarely used as typically patients without an Admit Date would not import from Clinical)
  • Expired Diagnosis - patients active within the date range that have an expired diagnosis (the expired code will appear with an *)
  • Billing Inactive - patients that have no bill records
  • Charge Inactive - patients that have no charges 
  • Prim-Ins Change - active patients that had a primary insurance change import from Clinical within the date range specified

Contact Support prior to using the Diags button.  This utility allows for updating the Patient > Diagnosis tab with diagnosis codes from the latest Plan of Care on file for reports that sequence by primary diagnosis.


  More Options:

Admission Detail Options: Select the patient information you wish to print on the Patient List. Note: If running with Level of Care Detail and Institutional Stays with Admit-Days checked, the LOC and Institute days will pull based on patient Admit-Date. Institutes are shown only if active during the reporting range for the patient. If a patient had an institute stay during the admit, but it's not active during the report date range, it doesn't pull as part of the totals.

Level of Care Detail: shows patients Levels of Care and number of days on each level.  Note, if Institute Stays Only checked, LOC days will only reflect days during an Institutional Stay.

Admit-Days: includes all Level of Care Days for the admission period instead of only the LOC days within the reporting period. Days shown for Institutional Stays will also include the admit days prior to the Report From Date. When this option is selected,  the Only (Institutional Stays) option is disabled.

Institutional Stays:  Shows Institute information for the patient.

(Institutional Stays) Only: Includes only patients who were in an institute during the reporting period.

Institute Summary Only: this option is enabled when Institute Sequence is selected.

Institute Export: creates an XLS file with Institute Stay information (Export Report option must be selected on the General Options tab).

Selected Diagnosis: Select to print list of all patients with a specific diagnosis.

Insurance Selection: (enabled only if Selection Type is set to 'Insurance')

    Sequence 1 - patients will show only if the selected insurance is listed as Sequence 1 in patient file

    Any Active - patients will show as long as the insurance is active but regardless of sequence in patient file

    All Selected - patients will show only if they have All specified insurances listed in the patient file (typically used to identify dually eligible patients).

    Any InActive - patients will be included when any of the specified insurances have an End Date that is between the From and To Dates of the report.

Sample report:

Diags Button: use this option to run a report for expired diagnosis codes or to identify patients with the specific diagnosis code selected.


Report Sequence: select Alphabetic, Numeric, Insurance or Unit order

Selection Type: select All Records or a specific Insurance, Unit or Patient (via Specific Includes tab).

Date Selection: Enter a starting and ending date for the report (date will be evaluated based on Report Type chosen).

Report Type: Select Active, Admitted, Discharged or All Patients within the selected reporting date range.

Expired Diagnosis Only: check this box to further filter for only patients with expired diagnosis codes present.

More Options tab:

All: uncheck the All Box and select a diagnosis code from the dropdown (search by Description) to filter for only patients with the diagnosis code specified.

Sample Patient Diagnosis List report: