Report Sequence: Select Patient
Selection Type: Select all records or individual
Patients/Insurances and use the Specific Includes tab to specify
individual patients or insurances.
Report Type: Select to include only patients Active, Admitted or
Referred within the Date Selection specified.
Date Selection: Enter the From and To dates. Based on the Report Type selection, only patients Active, Admitted or
Referred within the date range will be included in the 270 file.
Subscriber Date Override: Enter a date here if
the selected Option Set is setup for “Subscriber Date Override
(Entered)” in
2100C DTP*472
Insurance Selection: Select the insurance you
are creating a 270 file for.
Option Set Selection: Use the drop-down to select the Option
Set to be used for 270 eligibility file creation. Option sets give
you the ability to customize the file based on the payor’s
Ins Only: Check this box to pull patients only if
the selected payer is listed as the Sequence 1 insurance in
the patient file. Insurance effective date must be in effect for
selected date range.
Test Submission File: Select this option if sending a test file
(check with the payer to determine if they want a test indicator in
the file).
Upper Case Only: Select this option to create a file with all
upper case letters (recommended)
Filename: Specify the path and name to be used for the
eligibility file using the file naming conventions from the payer or clearinghouse.
Options Button: View the Billing Options Wizard online help for instructions with this option.
To Create a 270 Eligibility File:
Click on the Preview or Print
button after your selections have been made. The Eligibility
Report appears. After the report is printed or saved to .PDF, the 270
eligibility file will be ready for upload to the payer.
Sample Report: